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Article: Arturel journal: Considered ambition

Arturel journal: Considered ambition

Arturel journal: Considered ambition


Jacob Jepsen has always had a lot of plans and is not afraid to work hard. Perhaps that’s why it’s so important to him to have a calm space for work and pleasure - and he has found just that in his home.

Jacob Jepsen is a true entrepreneur. He always has a lot of different  projects and work doesn’t scare him. He has always worked.

When Jepsen was just 13 years old he got his first DJ stand. From that he started to make his own money. Six years later, Jepsen had 16 employees and a small business to keep track of: the company Beatforbeat.

“For a period of time, we handled all secondary school parties in Aarhus,” says Jepsen.

The young business owner merged with another company, which had all the right equipment.

“But we had the customers,” says Jepsen.



Trade runs in the blood

His entrepreneurial spirit runs in the family. Jacob Jepsen’s family has a plant nursery, which has grown into a global business operating and producing many different places in the world. The young entrepreneur, who is only 23 years old, thinks he’s found the secret behind a healthy business:

“In the future it’s important that both technology and responsible trading is connected,” he says.

Today, Jepsen studies Economics and Business Administration at Aarhus Business School. But he also finds time for other things than the books.

“Next to my studies I have the IT company CSE Projects, which is a start-up managed by students specialising in computer science from Aarhus University. We deliver solutions to small and medium businesses,” he says.

When you speak to Jepsen there’s no doubt that there’s a lot of demands on his time: his education, his own business and work at the family business.

“My study group is good to me. I owe them to keep them around,” he says with a laugh.

A calm base

With a full calendar and a lot of plans, it’s essential to Jepsen to have a calm and relaxing space.

“It’s important to me that there’s room to just be together and enjoy ourselves. I love when we’re able to do that, can put candles on and invite friends over. I always make sure we have a glass of bubbles,” says Jepsen.

In the living room, there are a few considered books on the shelves. They fit the interior. They are considered. That’s the way it is with Jepsen: Things are considered and not random and that’s part of creating an environment he enjoys being in.

During periods of time he has spent a lot of time in the flat for example during the various lockdowns. During those times, the living room’s round dining table became a work space and next to it you can find a piece of art from the Wave series.

“I was looking for a long time for something that could improve the acoustics in the flat. I’ve finally found it and I’m so happy with it,” he says.

The deep blue colour gives the artwork character and is a beautiful contrast to the white wall.

“It’s helped with acoustics in this corner of the flat. And I love the wavy shapes and the layers the piece has,” he says.

With a couple of unanswered calls and meetings to attend Jepsen needs to move onto the next thing on his schedule. That’s the way it is for him: He’s constantly moving on.

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